The Inside Scoop: Does Costco Have Scan and Go?

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Written By Ruth J.

Are you tired of waiting in long lines at the grocery store? Then you’ll be excited to learn about Costco’s latest innovation: Scan and Go. This game-changing feature allows shoppers to skip the traditional checkout process and scan their items with their smartphones as they shop. It’s like having your own personal cashier in your hand!

But, does Costco have Scan and Go? The answer is yes! Costco introduced Scan and Go in select locations, revolutionizing the shopping experience for its members. With Scan and Go, you can scan items, view real-time pricing, and keep a running total of your purchases. When you’re ready to check out, simply show your digital receipt to an employee near the exit, and you’re good to go!

How Does Scan and work?

Scan and Go is an innovative feature that allows Costco members to streamline their shopping experience. It utilises the Costco mobile app, which is available for iOS and Android devices. Once you have downloaded the app and logged into your Costco account, you can access the Scan and Go feature.

To use Scan and Go, simply open the app and select the Scan and Go option. You will then be prompted to scan the barcode of each item you wish to purchase. As you scan items, the app will display the price, allowing you to keep track of your total expenditure. You can also add or remove items from your cart as needed.

Once you have finished shopping, you can proceed to the exit. Instead of waiting in line at the traditional checkout, you will find an employee near the exit who will verify your digital receipt. This step ensures that all items have been properly scanned and paid for. After verification, you are free to leave the store without any further delay.

Benefits Of Using Scan and Go At Costco

Using Scan and Go at Costco offers numerous benefits for shoppers. Firstly, it saves valuable time. By eliminating the need to wait in long checkout lines, you can breeze through your shopping experience. This is especially beneficial during peak hours or busy shopping seasons when traditional checkout lines can be a major time drain.

Additionally, Scan and Go provides convenience. With the ability to scan items as you shop, you no longer need to unload your cart onto the conveyor belt at the checkout counter. This makes the entire process more streamlined and efficient, allowing you to get in and out of the store quickly.

Another advantage of using Scan and Go is the ability to keep track of your expenses in real time. As you scan each item, the app displays the price, allowing you to monitor your spending. This can be particularly helpful for budget-conscious shoppers who want to stay within their desired spending limits.

Customer Experiences With Scan and Go At Costco

Since its introduction, Scan and Go at Costco has garnered positive feedback from many customers. Shoppers appreciate the convenience and time-saving aspects of the feature. They enjoy being able to scan items as they go, avoiding the hassle of unloading and reloading their carts at the checkout counter.

Many customers also praise the ability to view real-time pricing. This transparency allows them to make informed purchase decisions and stay within budget. Furthermore, the digital receipt verification process at the exit provides reassurance that all items have been properly scanned and accounted for.

While there may be some initial hesitations about using the app and scanning items oneself, most customers find the process intuitive and user-friendly. Costco has provided clear instructions and helpful staff to assist customers in adopting this new way of shopping.

Comparison Of Scan and Go With Traditional Checkout

When comparing Scan and Go with traditional checkout, there are several notable differences. Firstly, the most apparent distinction is the elimination of long checkout lines. With Scan and Go, you can bypass the traditional checkout process entirely, saving precious time during your shopping trip.

Another difference is the convenience factor. With traditional checkout, you need to unload your cart onto the conveyor belt, wait for each item to be scanned, and then reload your cart afterwards. This process can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if you have many items. Scan and Go eliminates this hassle by allowing you to scan items as you shop, eliminating the need for unloading and reloading.

Furthermore, Scan and Go provides real-time pricing information. As you scan each item, the app displays the price, allowing you to keep track of your expenses. In contrast, traditional checkout requires you to rely on the cashier to provide you with the total price at the end, which can sometimes lead to surprises or confusion.

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Limitations and Challenges of Scan and Go

While Scan and Go offers many benefits, it has limitations and challenges. One key challenge is the need for customers to have a smartphone and the Costco mobile app. Not all customers may have access to smartphones or may not be comfortable using them for scanning and payment purposes. This can limit the adoption of Scan and Go among certain demographics.

Another limitation is the potential for errors in scanning and payment. Customers may accidentally scan the wrong item or forget to scan an item altogether. This can result in discrepancies between the items scanned and the actual items purchased. Costco has implemented measures to address this issue, such as the digital receipt verification process at the exit, but errors can still occur.

Additionally, some customers may have concerns about privacy and security when using Scan and Go. The app requires access to personal information and payment details, which may raise privacy concerns for some individuals. However, it is essential to note that Costco has implemented security measures to protect customer data.

Costco’s Implementation Of Scan and Go.

Costco has been proactive in implementing Scan and Go at select locations to enhance the shopping experience for its members. Introducing this feature is part of Costco’s ongoing efforts to embrace technology and innovation to serve its customers better.

To ensure a smooth implementation, Costco has provided training and support to its employees and customers. Staff members have been trained to assist customers using the app and understand the Scan and process. Costco has also made efforts to educate customers about the benefits and functionality of Scan and Go through various channels, such as in-store signage and online resources.

Costco’s implementation of Scan and Go has been well-received by customers who appreciate the convenience and time-saving aspects it offers. As the feature continues to be successful, Costco may consider expanding its availability to more locations in the future.

How To Use Scan and Go At Costco

Using Scan and Go at Costco is a straightforward process. To get started, you must download the Costco mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store, depending on your device. Once the app is downloaded, log into your Costco account or create a new account if you don’t already have one.

Next, open the app and select the Scan and Go option. This will activate the scanning feature, allowing you to begin scanning items as you shop. To scan an item, simply position your phone’s camera over the barcode and wait for the app to recognize and register the item. The app will display the price and add the item to your virtual cart.

As you continue shopping, you can add or remove items from your cart as needed. The app will keep a running total of your purchases, allowing you to monitor your expenses in real time. Once you have finished shopping, proceed to the exit where an employee will verify your digital receipt. After verification, you are free to leave the store.

Tips For a Smooth Scan and Go Experience At Costco

To ensure a smooth Scan and Go experience at Costco, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the app: Before heading to Costco, take some time to explore the Scan and Go feature in the Costco mobile app. Familiarize yourself with the scanning process and understand how to add or remove items from your virtual cart.
  2. Ensure a charged phone: Ensure your smartphone is fully charged before heading to the store. Scanning items and using the app can drain your battery, so having a full charge will ensure you can complete your shopping trip without interruption.
  3. Double-check your scanned items: As you scan items, it’s essential to double-check that each item has been registered correctly in the app. This will help avoid any discrepancies when it comes time to verify your digital receipt at the exit.
  4. Keep track of your spending: Take advantage of the real-time pricing feature by keeping track of your spending as you scan items. This will help you stay within your budget and avoid any surprises.
  5. Ask for assistance if needed: If you encounter any issues or have questions while using Scan and Go, don’t hesitate to ask. Costco employees are there to help and can guide you through the process.
    By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient Scan and experience at Costco.


In conclusion, Costco’s Scan and Go feature has revolutionized the shopping experience for its members. By allowing shoppers to scan items as they go and skip traditional checkout lines, it saves valuable time and simplifies the shopping process. The ability to view real-time pricing and keep track of expenses adds convenience and transparency.

While there are limitations and challenges associated with Scan and Go, such as the need for a smartphone and the potential for scanning errors, Costco has taken steps to address these concerns. Overall, customer experiences with Scan and Go at Costco have been positive, with many appreciating the convenience and time-saving aspects.

If you value efficiency and convenience, Scan and Go is worth trying at Costco. With its streamlined process and benefits, it offers a seamless shopping experience that can make your trip to Costco even more enjoyable. So, next time you visit Costco, take advantage of Scan and Go and enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience!

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